1) Name all the organelles that are in the endomembrane system?

2) What is the difference between free ribosomes and bound ribosomes and it's function?

3) Compare and contrast prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?

4) What are cytoskeleton consist of?

5) What does plant cell have that animal cells don't have and what does animal cell have that plant cell don't have?

6) How are mitchondria and chloroplast different than other organelles?

7) Contrast mitochondria and chloroplast.

8) What is the function of enoplasmic reticulum?

9) Where are ribosome made?

10) What is the nunction of the nucelus.

11) Name all parts of the nucleus.

12) Give the functions of each parts of the nucleus.

13) What is the difference between light micrscope and electron microscope?

14) What is cell fractionation?

15) What is the function of Smooth ER?

16) What is the function of Rough ER?

17) What is the diffference between smooth and rough ER?

18) What is the function of Golgi apparatus?

20)What are cis and trans region in the golgi apparatus?

21) What are lysosomes and it's function?

22) How are vacuole in plant cells different from  vacuoles in animal cells?

23) What is the function of peroxisomes?

24) What are intercellular junctions?

25) Give the process of how ribosomes are transfer from the nucleolus to the Golgi apparatus?