Actin - protein that links into  chains forming microfilaments in muscle and other contractile element in cells.

Cell fractionation - a process that separat the cell from it's organelles.

Cell wall - a protective layer external to the plasma membrane in plant cells formed by cellulose fibers.

Central vacuole - a membranous sac in a mature plant cell with divsrese roles in reporduction, growth, and development.

Centriole - involve in cell division

Centrosome - present in eukaryotic cells that are important during cell division. It serve as an organizier.

Chloroplast - an organelle that is only found in plants that proces photosnythesis,

Chromatin - complex of DNA and protein that make up a eukaryotic chromosome. Before cell division it exist as a mass of very long thin fibers that are not visible with lighrt microscope.

Chromosome - a threadlike gene that carry long strands of DNA and are found in the nucleus.

Collagen - a glycoplrtein in the extracellular matrix ofanimal cells that form strong fibers, found in tissues and bones.  

contractile vacuole - membranous sac help excess water out of cells

Crista (plural- cristae) - infolding of the inner membrane of mitochonria that house electron transport chain.

Cytoplasm - bounded by the plasma membrane and it is the entire contents of the cell.

Cytoplasmic streaming - circular flow of cytoplasm that speed moelcules and protein into the cell.

Cytoskeleton - a metwork of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filament that branch throughout the cytoplasm and serve as transportation.

Cytosol - semifluid of the cytoplasm.

Dynein - large contractile protein forming side arms of microtubules in flagella.

Electron Microscope (EM) - a microscope that focuses an electron beam through a specimen. There are two type of EM, there are Scanning Electron Microscope and Transmission Electron Microscope.

Endomembrane system - all membranes of eukaryotic cell that relates through physical contact or by the transfer of membranous vesicles.

Endoplasimc Reticulum (ER) - membranous network in eukaroytic cells that continues through the outer nulcear membrane composed of ribosomes.

Eukaryotic cell - a type of cell with a mebrane and enclosed organelles that are present in plants, animals, protists, and fungi.

Extracellular matrix (ECM) - the substance in animal tisue embedded of protein and polysacchriades.

Fibronectin - a glycoprtoein that helps cell attach to the exracellular matrix.

Flagellum (plural - flagella) - a long cellular appendage specialzied fro locomotion.

Food vacuole - membranous sac formed by phagocytosis

Glycoprotein - protein covalently attached to a carbohydrate.

Golgi apparatus - an organelle in eukaroytic cell that us used as a modifcation, storage, and products of the endoplasmic retilculum.

Granum (plural - grana) - stacked protion of the thylakoid membrane in the chrloroplast that function as a light reactions of photosynthesis.

Integrin - a receptor protein built into the plasma membrane that interconnect the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton/

Intermediate filament - a component of the cytoskeleton

Light Microscope (LM) - an instrument with lenses that refract or bend visible light to maginfy images of specimen and it can see images from 1cm-100nm.

Lysosome - a membrane enclosed sac of hydolytic enzymes found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.

Nuclear evenlope - a membrane that encloses the nucleus, separating it from the cytoplasm.

Nuclear lamina -  proteins netlike filaments that mantains the shape of the nucleus.

Nucleoid - Only found in prokaryotic cells that is the dense region of DNA.

Nucelolus (plural - nucleoli) - a specialized structure found in the nucleus that formed from various chroosomes.

Nucleus - contain chromosomes and the brain of the cell.

Microfilament - a soild rod of actin protein of the cytoplasm that act alone or eith myosin to cause cell contraction.

Microtubule- a holow rod of tubulin protein in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells.

Middle lamella -a tiny layer ofadhesive extracellular matierla primary pectin found between the primary cell wall.

Mitochrondrial matrix - enclosed by the inner membrane that contain enzyme and substrates for the Krebs cycle.

Mitochrondion (plural - mitochondria) - an organelle in the eukaryotic cells that serves the site as cellular repsiration.

Myosin - aa protein filament that interacts with actin filament to cause cell contraction. 

Ogranelle - several formed bodies with specialized functions inorder for the cell to become activated or function. 

Plasma membrane - a memebrane that act as a selective barrier regulating the chemical compostion of cells.

Plasmodesma (plural- plasmodersmata) - an open channel in the cell wall that conect the cytosol and adjacent cell.

Plastid - a family that is closed to plant organelles.

Peroxisome - a microbody containing enzyme that transfer hydrogen from various substrate to oxygen, producing, and degrading.

Primary cell wall - a relatively thin and flexible layer that first secreted by young plants.

Prokaryotic cell - a type of cell that lack a membrane and enclosed organelles that are found only in the domains Bacteria and Archaea.

Proteoglycan - a glycoprotein in the extracellular matrix of animal cells.

Pseudopodium (plural- pseudopodia) - a cellular extension of amoeboid cells used in moving and feeding.

Ribosome - an organelle that construct in the nucleolus and function as a protein synthesis of cytoplasm. It comsist of rRNA and protein molecules.

Rough ER - protion of the ER studded with ribosomes

Scanning Eelctron Microscope (SEM) - a microscope used to scan the surface of object beteween 1mm-0.1nm.

Secondary cell wall - a stron durable matrix often deposited in several laminated layers for plant cell protection and support.

Smooth ER - protion of free ribosomes

Stroma - fluid of the chlrorplast surrounding the thylakoid membtrane that involve sythesizing organic molecules.

Thylakoid - flattened membrane sca inside the chloroplast to cnvert ligh tenergy to chemical energy.

Tonoplast - a membrane encloseds the central vacuole in a plant cell separating the cytosol from the vacuolar content.

Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) - a microscope that is usd to see interior of a cell.

transport vesicle - a tiny membraous sac in a cell's cytoplasm that carries molecule produced by the cell.

Vesicle - a sac made of membrane insdie a cell.